Odds Ends

A page for miscellany 

Received a letter the other day, with stamps, from Rafael (surname unknown). I would like to respond to Rafael but he has not given me his email address or provided a return address on the envelope.

I will probably look like a thieving dork as a result of this omission.

Rafael, you got my mailing address from the 'net. If you ever visit here, this website, let me know of your address and I will respond in stamps. I will keep your envelope on my desk for a long while as there is no urgency for the stamps it contains.


24 May 2012

The letter above (Swiss postage) arrived a couple of days ago containing Some Australian stamps. Alas, the person forgot to add their return address on the envelope. There was NO letter in the envelope, so I am at a loss to respond. 

If this is your letter, email me, OK?


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